Spring 2024 - Tournament Information

Tournament on 2024-05-04 at Glendale

Destination Information

Host Site:Glendale
Visiting Sites:Hacienda Heights
Tournament Location:Maple Park
Tournament Address:820 E. Maple St, Glendale, CA, 91205
Map of Host Site Location:On maps.google.com  On maps.yahoo.com

Tournament Pool Information:

Tournament Rules (PDF)
Standard Tournament Pool Sheet (PDF)

Directions from Visiting sites

Hacienda Heights to Glendale (~18.3 Miles): using maps.google.com  using maps.yahoo.com

Map links available only if both destination and source addresses are valid. Distances listed on this page are "line-of-sight" distances obtained from a variety of sources, including approximated locations based on zip code information. Because of this, accuracy of the distances varies. The driving distances provided by the Google and Yahoo links provided above will likely be more useful.